Sunday 17 November 2013

It's such a prefect day

First of all, I would like to thank Mr Reed for that fantastic song; but really today has been tops.

My good friend, Kerry, organised a little celebratory BBQ today with a couple of my workmates.  Thank you Kerry.

I prefer to think of it as a celebration rather than a going away/farewell BBQ.  I was certainly celebrating what a very lucky lady I am to have such fabulous friends. I was also celebrating, in my head, that I have worked with over 1600 people in the last  9 years, all in one organisation and I can honestly count on one hand those that I have had a less than agreeable relationship with.  That's pretty good odds isn't it?

Well that's the ones that I know about - LOL - of course there may be many more that are out there right now currently having their own little celebration!! 

But over those 9 years at the hospital, I have met so many really lovely, interesting people. Friendly folk; happy folk; reliable, helpful people. People that you would love to have in your own home and we have had. I feel so fortunate to walk down those corridors at the hospital and say G'day to many people as I walk by. They are nice guys and fun  girls.  Yes I will miss that and I will miss them but only cos I have been lucky enough to have had it in the first place.  I feel blessed.  Seriously blessed.

And you now what  - I think we still have many more people like that to meet.  I am pretty sure that these good souls don't only live in the 7250 postcode. Chris has already told me about some friendly good people that he has met and struck up conversations with. So I am hopeful I will meet some of them too. 

But I am digressing.....back to today.  Sunny, warm, slight wind, BBQ spitting and smelling yum.  We had a lovely time reminiscing about funny things that had happened over the years and not so funny.  We spoke about what a  wonderful boss I had in Stephen and how we used to have Friday afternoon ice creams every now and then.  I have a very good boss now by the way (just in case he is reading :))  We just had such a relaxing happy time and it made me realise that good company is not measured in the amount of friends you have but in the quality of those friendships.  Friends that you can go months or years without even speaking with and yet the love you share and the  fun you have together is the genuine measure of a true friend.  Good Times, Good Times!

I struggle  sometimes with how quickly the months fly by; how much time goes by in between talking to someone.  I mean to call and then I get busy.  We all tend to get far too "busy" these days.  But that is a whole other post about slowing down! Time does fly.  So we need to remember to make the time to keep in touch with our friends, they are the peppermint crisp on our cheesecake!  The surprise Mars Bar in our lunch bags!

Side issue - today is my Dad's 93rd Birthday - Happy Birthday to the most wonderful man I know, not counting the one that I am wedded to :) Look at that cheeky face. He has been a strength in our family and to the community and we love him to bits. I don't know of another man who has worked so hard all his life and continues to be the font of all common sense and rationality - He is also the King of the Understatement!

Another blessing, another joy and another reason to be dancing on table tops - not that I am going to cos that's just dangerous.  Today is just a perfect day.

Happy Birthday Dad

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