Friday 18 July 2014

Luckiness = Love

I was watching a movie the other day - astounding news I know - but it was the soliloquy at the end of the movie by Nathan Lane that got me thinking.  The movie was Nicholas Nickleby (thanks Rennie for the loan). At the Wedding and there is always a wedding in Charles Dickens' novels, Nathan Lane gets up and makes a beautiful speech about happiness and family.

I am so lucky that I have a great family and this is just the immediate members plus Chrissie, of course. Dad is not trying to catch flies, he always talks to the photographer when he is having his photo taken. LOLZA

I digress...what did Nathan Lane say?

                         " Family need not be defined merely by those with whom we share our blood,
                            but by those whom would give their blood."

And I think that is so true.  Over the last six months there has been a lot of people who I would happily now introduce to folk as my sister, my brother, my child. Such has been the incredible outpouring of support and love.

Happily for me, I did actually gain two new children this year;  new sons-in-law. We have also increased the family by two, with more still to make themselves known to us.  It has certainly been a big year.

I don't think that we ever could have dreamed it up in a million years, just how big 2014 would be for the Rossiter/Hawley/Archer households.  Proof again of another little gem from Mr Lane - well really Mr Dickens -

                          "In every life, no matter how full or empty one's purse, there is tragedy;
                            That is the one promise life always fulfills.
                            Thus happiness is a gift and the trick is not to expect it
                            But to delight in it when it comes;
                            And to add to other peoples store of it."

Such beautiful simplicity but such a concise and lovely way to look at life.  What a pity that life is not always so simple or concise; no neatly little wrapped up parcels that we just have to unwrap and enjoy.

What a shame that our love and emotions cannot be easily distracted from our sorrow.  But what hope can we derive from the ever present knowledge that love, whether right beside us or in our hearts, can not be taken from our memory.

My memories can be a comfort or a burning stone in my side - that constant reminder that the love of my life is not beside me.  I told a work colleague today that I used to truly believe that I was the luckiest lady I knew, the luckiest person in Launceston.   After all what more could I possibly need or want, I had Chris and he loved me.  She said that I was still one of the luckiest people she knew because I had the marriage that a lot of people never get.

So tonight, 24 weeks down a very bumpy old road, I am grateful for family, grateful for love that has been so beautifully given, new friends, dear work mates and a chance to still see myself as one of the lucky ones.

Footnote:  A few of you may be worrying because I haven't written a blog post for quite some time, but I want you to know that I write in my journal every day but that stuff is too raw and personal to share; but I am still writing :)