Thursday 31 October 2013

AAH that's better

I feel much better today, not sure why, not sure I care why just happy that I do.  After such an emotionally charged day yesterday, today is about quiet peace.  I am home from work due to aches and pains that have become exacerbated through the stress and going to doctor this afternoon.  Not sure he can give me any advice that I don't already know, but I will pay him $73 to listen to me for 15 minutes anyway  :)

Chris rang and all is good with him.  Another induction day, I think.  at the moment it is all about the inductions, as he has to complete one for each site that he will visit.  The Port Pass is the  main event and that requires heavy duty security clearance, sounds major!  Still that will allow him clearance to visit any port in Australia, so I guess it is a big deal.

My brother, Ian, has boarded his plane back to Cairns this morning; Dianne took him out to the airport. We ha a  lovely night together last night, Angela came over as well. We giggle and guffawed like school kids again at the silliest of things. It was great :)  It was so lovely to see Ian, even better to have the four of us in the same room for a few hours.

This coming weekend in Northern Tasmania is a long one - Recreation Day on Monday - also coincides  with the Deloraine Craft Festival ,which has been going for about  30 years.  we have only been twice and it is only 30 minutes drive away - but it attracts a huge crowd and gets quite hectic. So will give it a miss again this year.  I am going to Hawley Beach for two nights with a quilting friend.  Hope the weather is balmy.

A few things off The List in the last couple of days, so that's good: found out where to take all the garden pots for recycling; took back a picture to Jonathan's ex girlfriend that her daughter gave me; found out where to get some packing boxes from; and have distributed some books I no longer want. Small things, but hey they count as lines through the list.

Wednesday 30 October 2013


I know that it is not strictly related - but I did say that this blog was about the journey and that includeds all the days along the way that will get us to the destination.

21 years ago I was introduced to a lady, a few years older than I, but in a very similar set of circumstances to me. Well over the years we have both moved, re-married, changed jobs, changed hair, changed outlooks, changed friends. Made each other laugh, made each other cry, cried together, laughed together.   I sometimes wonder what would be different in my life if we had never been introduced and hit it off so well. 

I guess she knows me pretty well, I know her pretty well; we have shared a lot of really good times and a few really shitty times. But you know what I love most about her - she has the biggest heart.  Isn't that a great attribute to admire in your friend - a truly giving big heart.

Well this week, has been pretty rough on me.  I feel terrible, I am aching all over,  I am tired, I am missing Chris and the girls and I am fraught with emotions about leaving work, leaving people, saying goodbye - not to mention all the tasks to complete. It is hard to put into words the confliction I feel ~ so excited about our move but so anxious and worried.  I know it will all be good - God would not have given us this amazing opportunity if it wasn't going to be fantastic. Still....I can't help but be stressed at times.
Then this morning the postie arrives with a parcel from my pal. The most wonderful gift. While we were overseas, I kept a daily journal on Facebook with photos so that the folk at home could see what we were seeing in a vicarious kinda way.  I had trouble with my tablet while we were away and it kept typing  the beginning of each word in capital letters . It was very annoying. Put in a few typos (I'm not the worlds best typist) and it made for interesting reading :)
Anyway Christine had copied each entry, minus the capitals, saved each photo and dropped it onto a Word document which she then printed out and gave to Chris and I in a bound booklet - all 67 pages of it. A record of our fabulous time away to look at for years to come.  It will become one of my most treasured items.  To say I was thrilled is the biggest understatement since "Katy Perry sings a good tune"!

I was just blown away by the thoughfulness and love that went into this gift  and I am humbled that anyone would think enough of me/us to do that.

It just reminds me of all the blessings that I have been honoured with and how much I love what we have built together over the last 18 years. I hope and pray that we will make many more wonderful memories together, with our families and friends there to witness and share in the making of them.
Family Love, Friend Love - really the most important thing .
As Garth Brooks once said, " You really aren't rich until you have something that money cannot buy."
My Cup Runneth Over.


Sunday 27 October 2013

Sun Shiney Sunday

Busy day, but an excellent day because the sun was shining, I had gotten up really early - thanks Dizzy Dog! but as it was, a good thing.

Last night my sister, brother, son and I all went out to a fund raiser Trivia Night! Lots of laughter and even a few right answers :) We had a great night  even though it ended up being a late night by my standards.  so at 6.20 this morning, when Dizzy decided it was time to start bouncing about, I was still very tired.  I thought I might be able to outsmart him; I let him out for a pee and then took his bed into my bedroom and shut the door so he wouldn't wake up the "guests".

So there I was dozing and Dizzy was trotting back and forth to the ensuite and then to the bed.  After  awhile, I thought, oh stinker, he has farted. Well no actaully he had poohed on the bedroom floor. Bugger that's another "How to Get Dizzy to Sleep In "plan foiled!  I guess you just can't mess with a little dogs daily habits!

So early start, dishes done, washing on, guests farewelled,  waterd plants, swept up the yard etc and then off to the markets for fresh eggs, flowers, a few pots and a beautiful old Sheffield Steel vintage knife and an excellent old silver tablespoon - perfect for cup cake icing! Happy as a lark, I head off home to start a bit of sorting and more chores. 

Had a rifle through my jewellery for re-homing, planted the pots that I got at the markets, put aside some books and CDs/DVDs for re-sale (or charity shop) and then onto a bit of sewing. I am making hankies out of gorgeous soft Japanese lawn.  These are so much nicer than bought handkerchiefs and in much more interesting fabrics. Plus something hand sewn is so much nicer to receive than a store bought item. Love in every stitch :)

I love having a productive day where you get to cross heaps off your list - even if it is only a mental list. Crossing them off gives me a real lift.
Chris rang and we had a lovely long  chat - he seems to be doing really well.  I cant wait to see our new home and start making it our own little nest.

At times today, I got really quite emotional and a couple of times I had to stop what I was doing because I was going to cry. Silly things like looking at photos of the kids when they were little tackers, putting some clothes in  Chris' wardrobe and other mundane things.  I miss the girls so much as well as Chris.   Thank God I have Jonathan here with me, bless his dear heart.
Chris calls me twice a day plus a few texts just to let me know what he is doing.  It's not as good as having him here but at least I can talk to him. I am very appreciatice of his daily contact and love hearing from him.

I am winding down for a real early night - I ache all over and have asthma, so after a nice cuppa - it's off to bed. 

Friday 25 October 2013

Settling in

Chris has been in Karratha for five days now and I must admit that the time has gone quite quickly.  I am fairly used to having him away from home.  In the 18 years that we have been together, he has always travelled for his work.  When we first met, Chris was a partner in a metal recycling business which meant travel away from home, intra or interstate, at least every fortnight.  I got used to being home alone either with the children or in later years by myself. 

For the first few days, it is quite pleasant; you get lots of bit and bobs done; time alone to just read or vege out in front of a movie, sewing  - whatever I felt like really.  But inevitably something would go wrong and it would usually be when Chris was away. At that time, all I wanted was for him to be here with me.
Like the time that our little Love Pup, Max, had a stroke and had to be put to sleep - Chris was away that time. Thank Goodness for our lovely neighbour who went with me to the vets and then helped me bring Max home again.  My wonderful B-I.-L came over and dug the hole in the garden to bury Max; God I cried buckets.

It was an awful night and I know Chris felt horrid for being away, but that's the way of things isn't it - shit happens and normally at the worst time. Actually when is it a good time for shit to happen??
But I  digress....this week has not been too bad because I had my daughter and S-I-L here till Monday night and my beautiful  Jonathan lives downstairs. "And Then" brother Ian arrived last night, so my cup runneth over at present. 
I'm sure it has been worse for Chris than I. My time will come when I am missing him badly.  At least I can call him, taking into account of course the three hour time difference.

So The List has had a respite for a few days. No doubt once I am home alone, it will get another kick along.

It is only three and a half weeks until I leave work - a place that I have been employed at in various roles for  9 years. That's a post for another day though.

And its only three and a half weeks until I go to Karratha for the weekend.

It is Friday evening and I have a brother to talk to, washing to attend to and a little dog to lavish some attention on cos I reckon he is missing his Dad.

If anyone is reading along at this stage, have a good weekend :)

My Beloved

Tuesday 22 October 2013


That is what my life has become centred around. But the good thing about today is that I crossed quite a few things off the first list. Hair appointment, tick;  pedicure, tick; dinner organised with Cathy, tick; dropped off ring for re-sizing, tick; picked up tickets from theatre, tick. No big things but all things that needed to be done.

Chris arrived safely in Karratha, even though he was late as the plane was delayed. He called though and was quite buoyed.  Boy I hope that lasts; for his sake as I know how hard I would find starting off on my own. in  a new town.  
The new house is brand new and so far he thinks that it contains nearly everything we will need. It is 4 bedrooms plus an office with plenty of room.   He sounded really excited about it.
I am concentrating on getting as many things sorted as soon as possible so that it will not be a mad dash towards Christmas. Some of  the things I'd like to do soon:
  •   re house Chris' tuberous begonias
  •   get packing boxes
  •   pin down a date for the boat
  •   sort out my superannuation
  •   and always considering what to pack, what to throw and what to store??
Look I'm sure it will all come together and it would help if I wasnt quite so tired to begin with.

Monday 21 October 2013

Day One

So this is it. We have now begun a journey that will take several months and then some as we settle into a new life in a new state.
It all started, really, 11 months ago when my husband,Chris, was quite suddenly made redundant. You know how people alway say , "well things happen for a reason." Well truer words and all that. Chris had just recently turned 60, so a big change like this was not really that welcome. We had a lovely, simple, home with family and friends nearby. Needless to say we were thrown into a bit of a tailspin.
"Oh well, we'll be Ok. I have  a good job, a steady job in public service.  Something will come up soon."
We had already started to plan an overseas trip in 2013, so we just kept on that path and networked around for a new job for Chris.
Fast forward to July this year: a couple of weeks before we were to head off to beautiful Paris and Chris was offered a position in Karratha, Western Australia!!  A great job, a great package, a great opportunity - but Karratha??!!

Chris went up there for a look and visit, to see what the job entailed and where we would live etc. He came back to Launceston buoyed. We agreed it was too good an opportunity to miss, especially at our ages.

So this morning at 5.00 o'clock, I took my beloved out to the airport for stage one of three flights, that will see him arrive in Karratha at about 7 p.m., our time as the first flight was delayed - off to a good start :)

This blog is first and foremost for me.  Thirty years ago when I did a similar move, it was documented by pen and paper, but technology has moved on since then, so as will I.
I want to keep a track of how this all goes, what will be involved in the process and how I will cope. Feel free to join the ride. I reckon it will be interesting, well for me anyway !