Tuesday 13 May 2014

Why Do I Write ?

This morning I read a very interesting article and I thought I would share with you some thoughts that I had about it.
The article can be seen in full here :


"Cross-cultural anthropologist Angeles Arrien tells us that in many traditional cultures, when an ill person goes to the healer, he or she is asked four questions: When did you stop singing? When did you stop dancing? When did you stop telling your story? When did you stop sitting in silence? She calls these the healing salves. Numerous studies show that activities like drawing and creative writing—even knitting—raise serotonin levels and decrease anxiety."

This is the paragraph that really danced in front of my eyes and then gave me a little slap on the head. It made me think about the way my life has been spilling over the last few weeks into a sadness that seems to hang onto me like Kate Winslet to the bedhead in the ocean.  Those little tear drops that are always just at the corner of my eyes. Even though at times I feel happiness, I also feel sadness that Chris cannot join me in the happy things.

Those four questions are so apt - not just to me but to us all.  When did you stop singing in the car because you are too busy worrying about what you need to do as soon as you get in the door;  how often do you sit in silence and just let your mind wander freely over daydreams or memories; why don't you dance at the kitchen sink anymore while the music plays and you do the dishes?

Pre-January 2014. I used to do these things a lot. I always used to sing in the car, the sewing room, the garden, at the sink; dance along to tunes while doing housework or the ironing  (sit-dance in the car, this involves a lot of hand and arm action!).

I am not doing them now and if I do sit in silence it is because I am in sorrow, not delightful contemplation about my next holiday or outing.

However, I do tell my story.  That's what I am able to do here.  My writing gives me a voice that I can use however I want to say whatever I want.  I don't have to worry about seeing a disapproving glance or a raised eyebrow or even an unholy heaven ward eye roll. I can just sit here and tap away and put all the thoughts that are chasing each other in my head, into a single neat little black line. One letter at a time. It's good, isn't it!

No one even has to read it to make me feel better but the great thing is, if they do and say something to me, then the blessing is magnified, many times.

I often told Chris that I hated to be ignored, so writing on a blog is great for me. The being ignored thing is something about being the youngest of six children, I think. By the time you get down the line that far, there's not a whole lot of energy left for child No. 6*. Not when you have a mother working and a Dad out earning a buck 7 days a week. So maybe, writing is a great way to say all those things that I would be unprepared to say face to face. I don't have to worry about burdening them with more information than they can handle either.  The reader can always just shut the lid, pull the plug, unsubscribe. 

I love the way the writer of the article above described these four points:

  •           singing
  •           sitting in silence
  •           dancing
  • and    telling your story            as healing salves
Doesn't sound calming?  We all need some kind of healing - we all suffer a hurt or a disappointment.  It's not just about me and my loss.  It's all of us who need a healing salve from time to time. 

Thriving When We Feel Supported is a by product of writing the blog. When I get supportive or encouraging feedback, I feel as though I have my own little band of cheering girls, egging me on and giving me the strength to just keep trying.  Trying is easy if I know that there is a friend out there who doesn't care if I face plant. They still love me, filthy faced or clean cheeked and that is a gift that no amount of money or fake concern can replicate.

And Knitting  - who could not be cheered, relaxed, soothed and calmed when they have a little pile of wool in their laps and two sharp objects criss-crossing, being used for the beautiful purpose of making something. And then giving it away - I love giving my hand mades away.  Whether they get used again, who knows. But the joy I have in making them is only surpassed in the joy of giving it to someone I love. 

Knitting decreases anxiety and releases seretonin; puts a smile on the receivers face (even if it is just a "Oh My God, she expects me to wear this" or worse  "She expects me to put this on my beautiful child!" type smile).  It doesn't matter, the job has been done! I am relaxed, my anxiety has decreased and my serotonin levels are increased. I have written my few paragraphs and I am at peace ......for awhile LOL!

* This is just my perception, not a slur against large families 


  1. Again...lovely sentiments Kathy..wow...a wonderful read...when you came to see me, i could see the spark had gone out of your eyes...i was sad for that..but happy that you see that although you will never ever forget Chris, you can heal..its a time thing...i cant wait to see that spark back...maybe be never as bright..but it will come...hang in buddy...by the way..I always cry when i read your blog...is this good????? hahah

    1. Thank you Pauline, hopefully todays post wont make you weep, which by the way may be a very good response :) xx

  2. Writing certainly does 'soothe the soul'. And your writing may soother your soul but it also soothes mine. I love reading your words and my biggest hope is that they will become part of your healing - that one day soon you will be able to sing in the car again and dance in the kitchen. Just keep on writing my love and you will get there one step at a time

    1. Thank you, dear heart, I'm glad that it is a win win situation :) xx

  3. Honey, no matter how clean/dirty faced you are we will always love you, just because you are you and if you want dirtyfaced company then let me know. Always will love you

    1. One of the things I love about you, Sharon, is your capacity to accept me just the way I am, happily. So comforting xx

  4. As always Kathy, inspirational words. None of us can take away the ache in your heart. Am glad you are able to find a way to soothe it, if only for a little while. You have a wonderful way with words. x

    1. Thanks Allie, todays post is a bit lighter :)

  5. Have been quietly following your blog since you started it...now feel compelled to 'comment' so you don't feel you are just talking to yourself a lot of the time. Kathy, you are a beautiful person with a beautiful soul who writes beautifully and poignantly about your life...your posts are inspirational.

  6. thanks Charmaine, it is nice to hear that my very ordinary life is interesting. I always have believed that it is the ordinariness that appeals to us, as we can relate so much easier. Bit hard to get enthralled with Jennifer Aniston or Paris Hilton's life, LOL!
