Tuesday 17 December 2013

My Son

My youngest daughter and her fiance arrived home for Christmas yesterday.  I have been so looking forward to her arrival.  I stood at the airport windows as the plane unloaded with the loved ones of Launceston's community, in anticipation, just like them.

I watched both ends of the plane, scanning for a tall, gorgeous girl and her handsome man. Panic set in a little as I couldn't pick out their faces - maybe I had the wrong flight?  So I went over to the doors and after a while, there they were! Oh Joy Divine. The house is starting to fill up with our beautiful family that we haven't seen for some time. My husband comes home tomorrow and next week Daughter D with her fiance. We will have three dogs and a cat thrown into the mix, just to make it even more interesting.

The last two months, it has just been my son and I at home.  We have settled into our own routine and comfortable, quiet co-existence. Between us we have managed to keep the chores under control and potter about in the garden and me kept busy mostly with the packing.  His strong arms have come in very handy though, taking all the boxes down stairs to await pick up (Sorry for packing them so heavy).

He has been a real comfort to me; just to have him around; someone to look forward to coming up the stairs each night and someone to cook a meal for or just share the day with. These last couple of months would have been a lot tougher without having him with me.

As I watched him go off to work this morning, my heart was filled with sadness and my eyes welled over. I am going to miss him so much and our little time together, just the two of us is coming to an end. It is sad but it is happy because that also heralds the arrival of his sisters and my husband, which is fabulous. But I will treasure these last weeks that we have had together, just us two.

It got me thinking ~ There is nothing to compare to the overwhelming emotion that comes with the birth of your first child. No greater joy, no more instantaneous love than holding that first little bubby in your arms, realising that you have brought a little person into the world and he is yours.  This is not to diminish the joy and wonder of consequent babies at all but there can never be another first, can there? My daughters will agree with me, one day :)

I was fairly young when I had my son, just 20. My husband and I didn't have a brand new house, filled with lovely leather furniture, gleaming white goods and big screen TV. There was no beaut new 4WD in the driveway and we certainly didn't have any money in the bank.  Everything we owned was second hand, except for the wedding presents that came into that little house in Dodgin Street with us.

The only new things that I had for that little baby, were a couple of blue Bonds singlets and the cloth nappies that Mum had bought. Everything else was handed down or I had made. We didn't care though. I don't think that impacted on his health, our happiness or the love that came to live with us through that child. We were blessed.

Over the years, of course, there have been rough patches, as there are with any child, big or small. I never wavered in my belief in him though and I hope that no matter what, he always knew and still knows, that the day he was born was the first Happiest Day of My Life. The first day that I came to know what true love is - the love you have for your child. Nothing can compare, no other love is measured against it and no other love will withstand the trials and heartache as the love for your child will.

He has grown into a handsome, beautiful man.  He has a loving nature, is kind and friendly, generous to a fault and loyal to his friends. He adores his sisters and no matter where they are, he would do anything for them. What more could a mother ask for in a son? He thinks about other people and is sensitive and has a great sense of humour.  No wonder my cup runneth over.

So just before we all get busy beyond sanity and before I am inundated with a houseful of people (as wonderful as that will be), I just wanted to take time to tell you and him, what a wonderful son I have and how much I love him.  I must have done something good for God to bless me so; just as his name says, Jonathan  - Gift from God.


  1. Well Kathy, let me be the first to comment. I wish I had your way with words. You made me tear up, big time. That's how it was for me, only I was just 17 with no family here and it was a struggle, but that little baby boy was, and still is, such a blessing. His sister is no less a blessing, and my cup ranneth (a new word for the Oxford dictionary) over with love when she was born, but there is something special about the first time you give life to another human being.

  2. Sure is Allie, he is a real blessing and continues to be as we are madly tearing about packing, cleaning up and throwing engagement parties in the midst of it all :)
