Wednesday 30 October 2013


I know that it is not strictly related - but I did say that this blog was about the journey and that includeds all the days along the way that will get us to the destination.

21 years ago I was introduced to a lady, a few years older than I, but in a very similar set of circumstances to me. Well over the years we have both moved, re-married, changed jobs, changed hair, changed outlooks, changed friends. Made each other laugh, made each other cry, cried together, laughed together.   I sometimes wonder what would be different in my life if we had never been introduced and hit it off so well. 

I guess she knows me pretty well, I know her pretty well; we have shared a lot of really good times and a few really shitty times. But you know what I love most about her - she has the biggest heart.  Isn't that a great attribute to admire in your friend - a truly giving big heart.

Well this week, has been pretty rough on me.  I feel terrible, I am aching all over,  I am tired, I am missing Chris and the girls and I am fraught with emotions about leaving work, leaving people, saying goodbye - not to mention all the tasks to complete. It is hard to put into words the confliction I feel ~ so excited about our move but so anxious and worried.  I know it will all be good - God would not have given us this amazing opportunity if it wasn't going to be fantastic. Still....I can't help but be stressed at times.
Then this morning the postie arrives with a parcel from my pal. The most wonderful gift. While we were overseas, I kept a daily journal on Facebook with photos so that the folk at home could see what we were seeing in a vicarious kinda way.  I had trouble with my tablet while we were away and it kept typing  the beginning of each word in capital letters . It was very annoying. Put in a few typos (I'm not the worlds best typist) and it made for interesting reading :)
Anyway Christine had copied each entry, minus the capitals, saved each photo and dropped it onto a Word document which she then printed out and gave to Chris and I in a bound booklet - all 67 pages of it. A record of our fabulous time away to look at for years to come.  It will become one of my most treasured items.  To say I was thrilled is the biggest understatement since "Katy Perry sings a good tune"!

I was just blown away by the thoughfulness and love that went into this gift  and I am humbled that anyone would think enough of me/us to do that.

It just reminds me of all the blessings that I have been honoured with and how much I love what we have built together over the last 18 years. I hope and pray that we will make many more wonderful memories together, with our families and friends there to witness and share in the making of them.
Family Love, Friend Love - really the most important thing .
As Garth Brooks once said, " You really aren't rich until you have something that money cannot buy."
My Cup Runneth Over.


1 comment:

  1. So happy to have given you a lift up when you were down!
