Saturday 15 September 2018

A Day in the Countryside

The Freedom to Roam

There are so many beautiful places to visit in this world and Australia really does offer more than it's fair share, in my humble opinion.
I have been on the road, and water, for a week now and the loveliness is inspiring.  I can see why the natural habitat has always inspired artists, both great and so so, but it also inspires me to just be more grateful.

Evening on the Murray River

I feel grateful for so many things not least that I can walk, see, hear, taste and smell the variety that a different area brings. My first stop was to make my way to Echuca to board a houseboat up the Murray River.  
This was one of Chris' Bucket List items so I was very pleased to be able to do it for him. As I said last week, these legs may not be the prettiest little legs you have seen, but they got me up that gangplank and onto the houseboat just fine. It was beautiful.

I am grateful that I have the freedom to travel where I want without censure or fear of retribution just because of who I am or what I believe in. 
I am grateful that I can drive - that affords me such a freedom that I am so thankful for.  I can stop whenever I want to and jump out to take a this just for the thrill of it all

Image may contain: flower, plant, sky, tree, cloud, grass, outdoor and nature
On the roadside at Minyip

I am grateful for the kindness and consideration of others - fellow travellers, incidental folk met in cafes, service providers. A cup of tea, a hand with luggage or just a smile - they make the experience special. Being a solo traveller these little acts of kindness make me feel not so alone. 

I am grateful for the chance to see the artwork of the Silos Art Trail.  They are magnificent, awesome and thought provoking.  Started in 2016 and growing in popularity, these fine examples of Australian artwork invoke a feeling of belonging, not only for the population of these small dots of towns in western Victoria but also the passing traveller, who is reminded again of the importance of belonging.  It matters not how many people you belong to, it matters that the attachment is strong and unconditional.

The silos at Sheep Hills - stunning!

The majestic silos of Brim - the first ones completed in 2016

I was only able to get this photo of the old port at Echuca due to anothers thoughtfulness.  I felt very lucky.

I am grateful for the opportunity, the friendship that instigated this trip and the small things like beautiful weather while we were on the houseboat. 

It is said over and over again but with each year, it resonates more with me ~ It is the little things in life that really count.

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